Archive for the ‘Quotes’ Category

Quote of the day (yesterday)

May 11, 2006

"You'll stand out like dog balls" – boat guy in the Cape
Hilarious! I will be using that one a lot.

Quote from my sister

March 22, 2006

"For Every Dark Night There's A Bright Day After That, So No Matter How Hard It Gets … Stick Your Chest Out, Keep Your Head Up, And Handle It." (url here is the first one I found when googling it)
I googled it to see who originated this quote, come to find out it was Tupac Shakur (a rapper who was killed). I'm not sure if it was part of a song or not, but I still like it.
I like this quote…need to use it when I start to feel sorry for myself about things or get pissed off about something…just handle it and move on is the way to go.