Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Running tracks…

March 15, 2006

I'm not talking about the tracks you run on, this is about music. I have my ipod with me when ever I run, it is a must. There are songs that get me moving (or keep me moving) and there are songs that slow down the pace, don't motivate me, etc… So, I started thinking as I've been running (I find it the most inopertune time to think sometimes, because I can't write anything down, so I just hope I don't forget it by the time I get home!), are there "running tracks" … songs that get you moving, get you motivated. The key to this would be putting them in some sort of order, as a playlist. This would be similar to the way a composer writes a symphany. The playlists could be available for purchase on itunes, no? I'm not in the mood for googling tonight, but I'm going to look into this one. I also need to do the blogging thing and link some of the stuff in this post.

In my search, I came across a site called This is a site dedicated to playlists, a place for people to share their playlists. You can also browse based on genres, moods & occasions. But, nothing helpful here for me.

I didn't spend much time looking on the web, but there seems to be a void in this area, are people interested in this?