Archive for the ‘Marketing’ Category

“The Apprentice” on NBC

March 7, 2006

Yes, I watch “The Apprentice“, fairly religiously. On today’s episode, their task is to generate “buzz” for Gillette’s new razor, the “Gillette Fusion” via a keyword & text messaging. This is an interesting concept (although, I must admit, I’m not sure yet how the keywords chosen will connect to the product and hence, generate buzz).

OK…after continuing to watch, I now know how the keyword connects to the product. When you text the keyword, you get an automated response about the product (i.e., “Introducing the new Gillette Fusion razor”).
One team selected “closer” as their keyword connected to the # 36617. So, in addition to generating buzz via the text messaging, the cell phone companies are making money off of the texts (wonder if the sponsor company is reaping any benefits from this?).

This has generated some thinking on my part … what if a company soley used text messaging to announce a new product via buzz marketing. Start the campaign internally…give out a keyword that should be text messaged and let it go from there. That keyword generates a response about the product (or whatever you’re trying to market). In that message, it may contain a url, a product name or maybe a clue, if you want to generate suspense prior to an announce. Maybe even a coupon code only good for that day or a limited period of time that would offer a discount or some other promotion.

Obviously not a original idea here, but maybe a unique & risky implementation? I am by no means a marketing expert & have zero product or buzz marketing experience, but…I wonder if this would work???